proTANGO e.V. Regionalgruppe HAMBURG

is the Hamburg regional group of the nationwide interest group proTango e.V..

proTango Germany

We not only dance together – we also engage together.

The tango scene in Germany is big. Tangoculture exists in almost every City in Germany.

  • proTango promotes the culture of Tango Argentino in Germany and gives it a voice.
  • proTango represents, in the sense of a professional association, the interests of people and institutions involved in the cultural field of Tango Argentino in Germany.

To the website of proTango Germany

proTango Hamburg

  • is committed to tango culture creators in the Hamburg region
  • offers a contact person for press, politics and administration for its members
  • connects the tango artists in the Hamburg region with each other and with other artists in and around Hamburg.

Coordination office – contact person

Maude Andrey


Tel.: +49 152 0233 7093

Get in touch!

What we do

Members of the regional group meet regularly to discuss common interests and challenges in daily regional tango culture work. Topics include:

  • Exchange of information (current regulations, funding opportunities, dates of planned events, …)
  • Promotion of the awareness of Tango Argentino in Hamburg in general (e.g. joint marketing)
  • Lobbying, maintenance of contacts with politics and authorities
  • Networking internally (building community, promoting collegial interaction, …)
  • External networking with other (dance) cultural areas


In addition to the regional group proTango Hamburg, there is also a general email distribution list of the Tangoforum Hamburg, which also includes tango artists who are not yet members of proTango e.V.. The regional group is also still very interested in the exchange with these tango creators. We invite all tango artists to become members of proTango e.V. and to get involved in our common work.

Who can participate

Active Members

All members of the association proTango e.V. from the Hamburg region can actively participate. As soon as you have become a member of proTango, contact the coordination office to be included in the internal mailing list through which you will be informed about all meetings and actions.

Supporting members

The supporting members of the association proTango e.V. from the Hamburg region are also invited and receive all minutes.

Committed fellow campaigners

For some actions we depend on the competence of committed fellow campaigners who are not members of proTango e.V. (lawyers, communication professionals, GEMA specialists, etc.). You have special skills that can support tango culture work in the Hamburg region or in Germany and want to help us? We are very happy about that. Please contact the coordination office.

Those who have joined so far

Active Members

Public Actions so far

In addition to regular meetings and recurring exchange, proTango Hamburg is also presented in public with actions.

June 2020

Campaign day 1. Petition des Vereins proTango e.V.

May 2021

Hamburg agreement on professional and fair dealings between tango culture practitioners

May 2021

Letter to the Senator for Culture Dr. Carsten Brosda, the Senator for Economics Michael Westhagemann as well as to more than 90 cultural politicians in Hamburg
(committees of the districts, state parliament, department of district culture in the district offices)

May til June 2022

Coordination and creation of a common printed advertisement for the Hamburg tango culture scene – TangoMap

May til September 2022

Hamburg flash summer flash mobs, as an action to make tango more visible in the Hamburg cityscape.

since May 2022

Support of the campaign “Public dance floor for Hamburg” by Frank Kruppa

August til Dezember 2022

Redesign and relaunch of the Hamburg tango culture portal