Dalcroze Musicality with Marina Ruiz Matta

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Dalcroze Musicality for Tango dancers
Using the Dalcroze methodology, we will introduce ourselves to different aspects of music in general and tango in particular, using different activities around movement. Musical phrases, intentions, dynamics, rhythmic patterns, tempos, textures, rhythm and the approach of the melody, both the so-called rhythmic melody and the lyrical melody. The Dalcroze method works first through movement, and then thinking about what was worked on, naming and describing each thing previously worked on, and building together a rational concept. All activities work on playful and effective skills to listen better and to build a movement closer to music.

Level: all levels
Friday, February 14th, 17:00-19:30 h

Dalcroze Musicality – The music of Piazzolla, Pugliese and Troilo through Dalcroze

An intensive lesson on Piazzolla, Pugliese and Troilo through Dalcroze, and specifically using one of the aspects of Dalcroze called „animated plastics“. We will work on the compositional methods of these composers, their different and particular methods, and on how we can approach their music to show everything that their music is communicating.

Level: intermediate to advanced
Saturday, February 15th, 11:00-13:30 h

More Infos and booking: https://www.elabrazo-tangohamburg.de/workshops-marina-ruiz-matta/